
The Other Boleyn Girl - Book

I just finished reading 'The Other Boleyn Girl'. I love this time in history and love reading about this time. I really enjoyed this book. It was interesting and at some point made me really mad. The story is about two sisters, Mary and Anne Boleyn, who are seducing the King of England in order to bring their family farther up the social ladder. Their main goal is to have a son with the king, an heir to the throne, because at this point the king has no heir. This book was full of drama, sex, jealousy, and sisterly competition. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I look forward to renting it. If you haven't read it, this is definately a good book to read.


Strawberry Recipes

I love everything that has to do with Strawberries. They are my favorite fruit! I was checking out Martha Stewart's page and she has 21 different recipes with Strawberries. So, of course I had to check those out. I choose my Top 3 Favorite Recipes. Enjoy!

Pick #1: Strawberry Cream Cake
Click 'Here' for the Recipe!

Pick #2: Inside-Out Strawberry Ice Cream Cake
Click 'Here' for the Recipe!

Pick #3: 'Sprinkles' Strawberry Cupcakes
Click 'Here' for the Recipe!


I love Express' work clothes! They always have blouses that fit me right and have great colors for summer. Here are some things that I am hoping to get for work this summer.
Striped Blouse - $49.50
Ruffled Blouse with Buckle - $49.50
Short Sleeve Blouse - 39.50
Ruffled Blouse - 49.50
Pleated Full Skirt - 59.50
Pencil Skirt with Ruffles - 69.50
Sailor Button Skirt - 59.50

Beautiful Match

"The most beautiful thing in the world is a match well made." - Emma (Jane Austin)


A Small Giggle

My husband's grandma sent this to me... every woman will understand this one. This explains that unanswered question men have of why women go to the bathroom in pairs or groups.

When you have to visit a public bathroom, you usually find a line of women, so you smile politely and take your place. Once it's your turn, you check for feet under the stall doors. Every stall is occupied.

Finally, a door opens and you dash in, nearly knocking down the woman leaving the stall. You get in to find the door won't latch. It doesn't matter, the wait has been so long you are about to wet your pants! The dispenser for the modern "seat covers" (invented by someone's Mom, no doubt) is handy, but empty. You would hang your purse on the door hook, if there was one, but there isn't - so you carefully, but quickly drape it around your neck, (Mom would turn over in her grave if you put it on the FLOOR!), yank down your pants, and assume " The Stance."

In this position your aging, toneless thigh muscles begin to shake. You'd love to sit down, but you certainly hadn't taken time to wipe the seat or lay toilet paper on it, so you hold "The Stance."

To take your mind off your trembling th ighs, you reach for what you discover to be the empty toilet paper dispenser. In your mind, you can hear your mother's voice saying, "Honey, if you had tried to clean the seat, you would have KNOWN there was no toilet paper!" Your thighs shake more.

You remember the tiny tissue that you blew your nose on yesterday - the one that's still in your purse. (Oh yeah, the purse around your neck, that now, you have to hold up trying not to strangle yourself at the same time). That would have to do. You crumple it in the puffiest way possible. It's still smaller than your thumbnail.

Someone pushes your door open because the latch doesn't work. The door hits your purse, which is hanging around your neck in front of your chest, and you and your purse topple backward against the tank of the toilet. "Occupied!" you scream, as you reach for the door, dropping your precious, tiny, crumpled tissue in a puddle on the floor, lose your footing altogether, and slide down directly onto the TOILET SEAT. It is wet of course. You bolt up, knowing all too well that it's too late. Your bare bottom has made contact with every imaginable germ and life form on the uncovered seat because YOU never laid down toilet paper - not that there was any, even if you had taken time to try. You know that your mother would be utterly appalled if she knew, because, you're certain her bare bottom never touched a public toilet seat because, frankly, dear, "You just don't KNOW what kind of diseases you could get."

By this time, the automatic sensor on the back of the toilet is so confused that it flushes, propelling a stream of water like a fire hose against the inside of the bowl that sprays a fine mist of water that covers your butt and runs down your legs and into your shoes. The flush somehow sucks everything down with such force that you grab onto the empty toilet paper dispenser for fear of being dragged in too.

At this point, you give up. You're soaked by the spewing water and the wet toilet seat. You're exhausted. You try to wipe with a gum wrapper you found in your pocket and then slink out inconspicuously to the sinks.

You can't figure out how to operate the faucets with the automatic sensors, so you wipe your hands with spit and a dry paper towel and walk past the line of women still waiting.

You are no longer able to smile politely to them. A kind soul at the very end of the line points out a piece of toilet paper trailing from your shoe. (Where was that when you NEEDED it?) You yank the paper from your shoe, plunk it in the woman's hand and tell her warmly, "Here, you just might need this."

As you exit, you spot your hubby, who has long since entered, used, and left the men's restroom. Annoyed, he asks, "What took you so long, and why is your purse hanging around your neck?"

This is dedicated to women everywhere who deal with a public restrooms (rest? you've GOT to be kidding!). It finally explains to the men what really does take us so long. It also answers their other commonly asked questions about why women go to the restroom in pairs. It's so the other gal can hold the door, hang onto your purse and hand you Kleenex under the door!

Cute Things As Macys

I am so excited to go shopping this summer. I love shopping for summer clothes. I love all the colors and the fun shapes that come with each new outfit. Here are some fun things that I found at Macy's.

Ralph Lauren Red Pencil Skirt with Anchor Buttons - $89.50
INC Floral Print Skirt with Sash - $89

Nine West Eyelet Cap-Sleeved White Dress - $150

ECI Belted Peasant Dress - $79


Amazing Pictures

I love these pictures! I love anything that is Disney. Annie Leibovitz takes the best pictures. Here are the ads that she did for Disney, and also a picture I found that she did of the Wizard of Oz.
Julianne Moore as Ariel

Rachel Weisz as Snow White

David Beckham as Prince Philip

Jessica Biel as Pocahontas

Gisele Bundchen as Wendy
Mikhail Baryshnikov as Peter Pan
Tina Fey as Tinker Bell

Julie Andrews as The Blue Fairy
Abigail Breslin as A Little Fairy

Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella

Beyonce as Alice
Lyle Lovett as The March Hare
Oliver Platt as The Mad Hatter

Jennifer Lopez as Princess Jasmine
Marc Anthony as Aladin
Keira Knightly as Dorthy

Pride & Predjudice Quote

"You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." -Pride & Predjudice

Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy


Small Beginning

I decided to make this blog because I keep finding all these fun and cute things. I dont want to post them all over my family blog, so I decided to make a seperate one. In this blog I will post cute fashions, poems, quotes, and other fun things.