
Amazing Shoes!

I was at Nordstrom's yesterday trying to find a new pair of black flats. I have a hard time finding shoes because most of the cute shoes are so uncomfortable. Until I found these....
Me Too 'Layton' Flat - $79.95

These shoes are so incredibly comfortable! I love them! The insides are padded, which is something I couldn't find before and the bottoms are rubber like tennis shoes so their aren't slippery. If you are looking for cute comfortable flats, definitely try these out!

Temple = Home

"Temple. One other word is equal in importance to a Latter-Day Saint. Home. Put the words Holy Temple and Home together, and you have described the House of the Lord."
-Boyd K. Packer

Death Not So Scary...

"According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two... does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy."
-Jerry Seinfeld

Success = Love

"Success is not fame, money or power. Success is waking up in the morning so excited about what you have to do that you literally FLY out the door. Success is getting to work with the people you love. Success is finding a way of connecting and binding them together. Success is connecting with the world. Success is falling asleep knowing you did the best you could. Succes is joy, friendship and freedom. Success is LOVE!!!"


Favorite Jeans

For my birthday I went to The Gap and got these new jeans. Normally, I don't shop at The Gap but I am in LOVE with these jeans. These are the new 1969 jeans that Gap just came out with. My favorite style is the Real Straight jeans. : $69.50


Life is a Test

"While life is meant to test, challenge, and strengthen us, if we are attempting to negotiate the twists and turns and ups and downs of mortality alone, we're doing it all wrong. Mortality is a test, but it is an open book test. We have access not only to the divine text but to Him who authored it."

Sheri Dew
'Saying It Like It Is'